

第21屆小巨人獎_福佑電機股份有限公司(Fulltech Electric Co., Ltd.)



網址: www.fulltech.com.tw
交流式多樣式散熱風扇 (軸流扇、橫流扇、離心扇…)
電子換相多樣式散熱風扇 (高效率節能風扇)
1990年一群在電機產業深耕逾10年的夥伴,觀察到歐美市場對UPS不斷電系統(如實驗室、電腦伺服器、無塵室)、電梯、居家照護、大型戶外看板…等,對交流風扇(AC fans)需求大增,以及國內市場仰賴日本與德國進口,在1990年4月17日創立福佑電機股份有限公司,同時和日本技術合作,共同設計及導入日系嚴謹的製造流程、品管檢驗,並堅持採用日本品牌的培林。

福佑為提昇組織營運能力及滿足客戶的要求和期望,並於1999年通過ISO 9001認證。之後更為了確保品質的可信度及提供客戶優良產品,本公司產品更是通過多項UL、TUV、ETL...等多項安規認證。

在受到肯定後,我們持續投入研發軸流扇(AC Tube Axial Fan)、橫流扇(Cross Flow Fan)、外轉式轉子風扇(External Rotor Fan)、導管扇(Duct Fan)、吸頂扇(Roof Fan)等,隨後再一步步地推展到歐洲先進國家--英國、德國、法國…等。



一、 福佑成立10年後,由於我們堅持提供高品質、高效能的散熱風扇,以及完善的售後服務,足跡已遍至南美--巴西、阿根廷、智利…等8個國家,以及東南亞市場-新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓等,並將韓國10幾家經銷整合為首爾、釜山等2家代理。迄今(2018)我們全球的經銷代理遍及50多國。
二、 福佑堅持提供高品質、高效能的散熱風扇,以及完善的售後服務行銷全球,鑑於全球驅動環保節能趨勢,福佑並已推出綠能新產品-EC高效節能風扇(EC fans),不僅環保省電、功率高,更有優於傳統散熱風扇的三大保證─風量大、噪音低、壽命長。除了提供適地性的客製化產品,對於惡劣環境,我們的風扇也通過歐盟防爆、防鹽霧測試。
三、 福佑以優化製造來提升競爭力,專注於製程品質管控,引進新穎生產設備,設計融合人工與自動化的生產線,務使AC散熱風扇、EC高效節能風扇從生產到包裝,由廠內一貫作業,達到全面的品質良率管控。

【Products and Solutions】
1. AC Axial Fan, AC Cross-Flow Fan, AC Centrifugal Fan and so on.
2. High Efficiency Electronically Commutated Fan (EC Fan)

Fulltech Electric Co., Ltd was founded in April 17, 1990, with a group of experienced partners who has devoted ourselves in electrical industries for more than a decade.
By seeing the potential demand on the UPS system (for laboratory, computer server, cleaning room and so on) elevator, medical machinery, outdoor LED boards and so on in the Europe and America market. Fulltech technically cooperated with Japanese brand, and invented the production process and quality inspection standard together. Also, Fulltech insists to use the bearings made in Japan, to guarantee the quality of the products.
In 1991, Fulltech is officially registered as to extend the market worldwide. With great performance, excellent quality and being able to provide customized product to our customers, Fulltech was able to win the business from an U.S. distributor who represented Japan brands for years and successfully expanded the business to US market in 3 years after the company was founded.
In order to escalate the organization capability and to satisfy the customers’ requirement and expectation, Fulltech was certified with ISO 9001 certification in 1999. Later, in order to guarantee the products reliability and the quality, Fulltech was certified with multiple safety certification, such as UL, TUL and ETL.
Afterwards, Fulltech continues to develop and launch different types of AC fans, such as, AC Tube Axial Fan, Cross Flow Fan, External Rotor fan, Duct Fan, Roof Fans and so on, and approaching to UK, Germany, France in Europe market.
With the support of customers, and continue to strength our specialty, quality assurance and new product development capability, Fulltech increased the capital to NT$175,000,000 on Jul 19, 2012 and extended our production space to 6,600m2 which was 4 times bigger than our original space, to set up with more professional inspection equipment and automatic production with better human interface.
【Export Competitiveness】
I. Because of our great quality and high efficient AC cooling fan and also our good customer service, Fulltech was able to extend our market to 8 countries in South America, such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile and also, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippine in South East Asia in 10 years. Also we integrated our distributor channel to 2 distributors in Korea, one in Seoul and the other in Busan. Up to year of 2018, our distributors and dealers locates more than 50 countries worldwide.
II. Fulltech is known worldwide as its high quality, high efficient cooling fan and also it is good customer service. And by seeing the global trend for the energy saving, Fulltech launched its green product – Electronically Commutated Fan (EC Fan) with the features of energy saving, higher power efficiency and also with advantages of higher airflow, lower noise and longer life compare with traditional AC cooling fan. We also provide the products with customized design; Also, our cooling fan are designed to pass the anti-salt fog test and ATEX test for rugged circumstances.
III. Fulltech enhances the competitiveness by optimizing the production capability, also, we focus on the quality control in process, introducing the newly production equipment and design the automatic production line with good human interface to make sure AC cooling fan and EC fan we produce in-house meets the higher quality standard from the manufacturing to the packaging.

